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The Education idea of Rousseau

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Jean Jacques Rousseau, the great revolutionary educational was born in 1712 in the city of Geneva in the family of a watchmaker He lost his mother soon after his birth. He had very little formal education. At the age of 12 he was appointed as an apprentice to an engineer who treated him badly. His early life was full of shameful acts which he mentioned in his book " Confession". After attempting many occupations like private tutor, music teacher, composer, secretary and dramatist, he became a successful writer.

He is known as a revolutionary philosopher, who wrote against the contemporary social and political setup, hypocrite, artificiality, cruelty, correlation, despotism prevalent at that time. The keynotes of his philosophy is termed Naturalism, it contains his concepts of " Natural state", " Natural man", and "Natural civilization".

Notes And Knowledge 


 Educational Philosophy of Rousseau :

His Educational philosophy is born out of his philosophy of i.e, Naturalism.

  • Concept of Education:

For Rousseau education doesn't mean merely imparting information or storing knowledge. It is not accretion from without. It is the development of child's natural powers and abilities from within.
Notes And Knowledge

 (according to nature, men and things)

1. Education from Nature : It consists in the spontaneous development of our endowments and faculties, i.e of child's natural tendencies and interests. He gave it the TOP Priority.

2. Education from Man : It consists in influencing our social contacts and various groups. He did not favor it at at least in initial stages.

3. Education from Things : It consists in the acquisition of knowledge and information through contact with physical surrounding and our experience of dealing with things.

Rousseau conviction was that education should be considered as "The process of development into an enjoyable rational harmoniously balanced useful and hence natural life".

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Reference :
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2. Anant Padmnabhan: Population Education in Classrooms, NCERT, New Delhi.
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4. Chakravorty M.: Gandhian Dimension in Education. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi.
5. Mani R.S.: Educational ideas and ideals of Gandhi and Tagore. New Book Society, New
6. Ministry of Human Resource Development: National Policy on Education, 1986, New Delhi.
7. Mohanty, Jagannath: Indian Education in Emerging Society. Sterling Publication, New Delhi.
8. Pandey, Shyam Swaroop: Shiksha ki Darshanik evam Samajshastriya Prishtbhoomi. Vinod
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9. Pathak and Tyagi: Shiksha ke Samnya Siddhant. Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra.
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11. Saxena, N. R. & Swaroop, Shikha: Shiksha ke Samanya Siddhant. Lall Book Depot, Meerut.
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15. Freire, Paulo: Pedagogy of the oppressed, Translated by Myra Bergaman Ramos. The
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16. Freire, Paulo: The Politics of Education- Culture, Power, Liberation, Translated by Donoldo
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17. Bhatnagar, Suresh: Shiksha Ki Samasyaen. Lall Book Depot, Meerut.
18. Bhooshan, Shailendra & Anil Kumar: Shikshan Taknik. Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra.
19. Manav Sansadhan Vikas mantralaya: Rashtriy Shiksha Niti, 1986, New Delhi.
20. Safaya, Raghunath: School Sangathan. Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
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