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Aims and methods of education according to Rousseau

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Jean Jacques Rousseau, the great revolutionary educational said there are two types of education,

  • Positive education
  • Negative education
Notes And Knowledge

 Aims of Education according to Rousseau :

  1. Development of child's inner facilities.
  2. Different aims a different stages.

Development of child's inner facilities :

Rousseau says that the most important aim of education is the natural development of the child's inner facilities and powers.
To live is - To work, to develop and, to properly utilize the various part of the body.

Different aims at different stages :

In addition to the mentioned all the aims, education should e different at each stage in the life of the individual.

  • Development of well regulated freedom :

During the period of infancy i.e up to 5 years the aim of education is to develop in Emile  a well regulated freedom according to his capacities.

  • Develop sufficient strength at childhood stage :

At the childhood stage i.e from 5 to 12 years, the aim of education is to develop in the child sufficient strength in order to have a well-regulated freedom.

  • Intellectual development in Pre-adolescent period :
At the boyhood stage i.e from 12 to 15 years, the aims of education to develop the intellect if the Emile.

  • Emotional, moral and religious development during adolescence :

During the 4th stage i.e from 15 to 24 years, the aims of education should be the following-- 
- Moral and religious bias should be given to education,
- Education aim should be at emotional, moral and religious development of the Emile.
Notes And Knowledge


Methods of Teaching :

  • Learning by doing :

Rousseau says "teach by doing whenever you can and only fall back upon words when doing is out of question. The child should take par in various activities and learn in a natural way. It will help him in satisfaction of creative activity.

  • Direct Experience :

Knowledge acquired through books in second hand and easily forgotten. Rousseau urged "Experience before expression" and "objects before words".

  • Method of individual instruction :

Rousseau asserted that teacher should properly recognize the individually of the child and place emphasized individual instructions.

  • Heuristic method :

In this method, the child is placed in the position of a discoverer. He is to be given an opportunity to make experiment with the apparatus that he made himself or invented. Rousseau also advocates the heuristic method of teaching.

  • Example is better than precept :

For imparting moral education Rousseau stated : "Example is better than precept". Teacher should practice morality. Lectures on morality will not prove useful.

  • Social participation :

During the period of adolescence will get knowledge about social relations b actually visiting places and establishing contact with the members of the community practically.

 Notes And Knowledge

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