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Educational philosophy of Swami vivekananda

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Swami vivekananda defined education as "The manifestations of divine perfection already in man".He believed in learning or self learning. The role of the teacher is only that of a facilitator or a guide only. The teacher only motivates or encourages the student and thus he helps him in finding out the hidden treasure of knowledge already present within him. 

Book learning, rote learning or fillings the mind of the students with lot of information is not education at all. According to him, "Education is not the amount of information one gets but it is life building, man making character forming and assimilation of ideas". He was against the theoretical type of education. 

Aims of Education (Man-making Education) :

According to Swami vivekananda, "The end of all training should be man making". Education should help in bringing about all round development of an individual. 
Further, he rightly says, " Blessed are the men and women whose minds are centred on the acquisition of knowledge, who possess sweet and amiable tempers who cultivate truthfulness and other similar virtues who are engage in altruistic work as prescribed by the vedas".
The different aims of education as advocate by Swami vivekanand are as under :

- Education for physical development
- Education for strong moral development
- Education for religious development
- Education for self-reliance
- Education for self-realisation. 

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